Correcting Selenium Deficiency in Thyroid Disorders

Selenium supplementation. There seem to be two different approaches. One approach regards selenium supplementation as a direct pharmaceutical treatment. For example, it is considered a form of medication administered to thyroid disorder patients. Alone or together with thyroid disorder medication, the selenium supplementation is intended to 1) alleviate symptoms, 2) slow the progression of the disorder, and 3) perhaps provide a cure [Schomburg 2019].

Selenium researcher Urban Alehagen
Data from the Swedish KiSel-10 study show that combined daily selenium and Coenzyme Q10 supplementation has a beneficial effect on thyroid hormones and quality of life. outcomes.

A second approach to selenium supplementation does not regard the administration of selenium as a pharmaceutical intervention. Rather, the second approach considers selenium supplementation to be a nutritional intervention designed to address and correct a deficiency condition. This approach recognizes that both sub-optimal selenium status and selenium deficiency limit the body’s expression of vital selenoproteins. These selenoproteins are needed to minimize health risks and to alleviate disease symptoms. Supplemental selenium can be necessary to enable the full endogenous expression of selenoproteins [Schomburg 2019]. read more

Selenoprotein P for Better Quality of Life and Longevity

In a KiSel-10 trial sub-study, Prof. Urban Alehagen and a team of researchers have observed a positive association between the levels of serum selenoprotein P (SELENOP) and the serum levels of both total selenium and the seleno-enzyme glutathione peroxidase GPx3. Accordingly, the researchers noted that the serum SELENOP concentration level can serve as a useful biomarker for the selenium status of individual study participants and of individual patients [Alehagen 2024].

Prof Urban Alehagen - selenium researcher
Prof Urban Alehagen is the lead researcher on the KiSel-10 trial of the effect of combined selenium and Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on the quality of life and longevity of elderly Swedish citizens with low dietary selenium intakes.

Important to note here is that daily supplementation with 200 mcg of selenium from a selenium-enriched yeast preparation induced significantly higher serum concentrations of SELENOP in elderly community dwelling Swedish citizens, average age: 77 years. In the active treatment group, the selenium supplementation resulted in the saturation of SELENOP in the blood at a serum selenium level of 146 mcg/L. The selenium supplementation also resulted in a saturation of GPx3 at a serum selenium level of 99 mcg/L. This positive association between the level of SELENOP, on the one hand, and serum selenium and GPx3, on the other hand, is in agreement with the existing research literature [Alehagen 2024]. read more