Selenium and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women need an increased intake of the trace element selenium. Low selenium intake and status in the pregnant mother will be reflected directly in poor selenium status in newborns [Filipowicz 2022].

Newborn children can be low in selenium
There is a strong correlation between the mother’s selenium status during pregnancy and the selenium status of the newborn child.

Women living in regions with low selenium content in the soil and in the food most likely need a selenium supplement. A study conducted in selenium-poor central Poland has revealed that supplemental selenium in a dosage greater than 55 mcg/day can improve pregnant women’s selenium status [Filipowicz 2022].

In the Polish study, one-third of the mothers reported self-initiated additional selenium intake. For the most part, these women took a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. The tablet added, on average, 42 mcg of selenium to their diets daily. Even so, 79% of these women had serum selenium concentrations below 70 mcg/L (selenium deficiency levels). Moreover, 22% had serum selenium concentrations below 45.9 mcg/L (severe selenium deficiency levels) [Filipowicz 2022]. read more

Maternal Selenium Status and Offspring Risk of Autism and ADHD

A healthy pregnancy. Selenium is an essential trace element needed to support a healthy pregnancy. However, to date, studies of the mother’s selenium status and the child’s growth and development are scarce. Data from the Odense Child Cohort study in Denmark give researchers an opportunity to investigate the possible effects of the mother’s low selenium intake and low selenium status on the child’s neuro-development [Demircan 2023; Demircan 2024].

Dannebrog - Denmark's flag
Denmark is a country with selenium-poor soil and selenium-poor crops and fruits. The estimated mean daily intake of selenium in Denmark is 48 mcg/day with a 5th percentile intake of 27 mcg/day [Larsen 2004].
The pregnant women enrolled in the Odense Child Cohort study had borderline selenium deficiency status. Their serum selenium levels ranged from 57 to 75 mcg/L [Demircan 2024]. For the sake of comparison, note that Alexander & Olsen propose 110 mcg/L as an optimal selenium saturation level [Alexander & Olsen 2023]. read more

Selenium Supplementation and Preeclampsia Risk

Selenium supplementation of pregnant women at a high risk of preeclampsia has shown beneficial effects on 1) serum selenium levels, 2) some metabolic profiles, 3) uterine artery pulsatility index, and 4) mental health, compared to placebo. The study compared the effect in 60 pregnant women of supplementation with 200 mcg/day for 12 weeks with the effect of placebo for the same period.

Pregnant woman
Preeclampsia is a serious hypertensive condition of pregnancy. It is associated with high risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Selenium intake and status have been linked to the occurrence of preeclampsia.

The supplementation took place for 12 weeks starting in weeks 16 to 18 of pregnancy. No side effects related to the intake of 200 mcg of selenium per day by pregnant women at high risk of preeclampsia were reported throughout the duration of the study  [Mesdaghinia 2022].

Selenium Supplementation Compared to Placebo

How did the selenium supplementation compare with the placebo supplementation in the pregnant women? read more

Low Selenium Status and At-Risk Pregnancies

Pregnant woman
Low serum selenium status (defined as below 80 micrograms per liter) during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, pre-term births, and other adverse outcomes.

A recent review article presents the evidence that low selenium status in pregnant women may be implicated in the following complications [Duntas 2020]:

  • miscarriage
  • preeclampsia
  • pre-term birth
  • retarded fetus intrauterine growth
  • post-partum hypothyroidism and auto-immune thyroiditis

To ensure an optimal pregnancy outcome, Dr. Leonidas Duntas recommends that physicians take an individualized approach and prescribe dietary and supplemental selenium intakes that are tailored to the pregnant woman’s needs.

Why is Adequate Selenium Important for Pregnant Women?

Selenium is an essential trace element. Its intake and status in the blood plasma can vary considerably according to a number of factors [Duntas 2020]:

  • differences in diet and nutrition
  • differences in soil and plant selenium content
  • ethnic differences
  • genetic differences

Without a blood selenium test, it is not possible to know whether women planning a pregnancy have sufficient circulating selenium. The Mayo Clinic reports that the normal selenium concentration in adult human blood serum in the United States is 70 to 150 micrograms per liter with a population mean value of 98 micrograms per liter. read more

Selenium Supplementation and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs in 5 to 10% of women. It is the most common cause of infertility in women. PCOS is typically described by the presence of common symptoms: mild obesity, irregular periods or absence of a period, and signs of excessive androgen such hirsutism and acne. Most PCOS patients will have multiple cysts in the ovaries. More research into the effects of selenium supplementation on PCOS is needed.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (abbreviated PCOS) is a hormonal disorder with a prevalence of 5 – 10% in women of reproductive age.

  • The exact cause of PCOS is unknown.
  • Symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, increased levels of male hormone, and failure of the ovaries to function regularly.
  • Excess insulin production and low-grade inflammation are thought to have an effect on the development of PCOS [Mayo Clinic].

Selenium: Effect on Mental Health, Hormonal Profile, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in Patients with PCOS

In a randomized controlled trial enrolling 60 women aged 18 – 40 years, daily co-administration of a probiotic supplement and 200 micrograms of selenium for 12 weeks was associated with the following outcomes [Jamilian 2018]:

  • significant improvement in Beck Depression Inventory scores, general health questionnaire scores, and depression anxiety and stress scale scores compared with the placebo
  • significantly reduced total testosterone levels, hirsutism, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels (a bio-marker for inflammation), and malondialdehyde levels (a bio-marker for oxidative stress) as well as significantly increased total antioxidant capacity and total glutathione (GSH) levels compared with the placebo

The researchers concluded that the co-administration of probiotics and selenium for 12 weeks to women with PCOS had beneficial health effects.

Selenium: Effect on Metabolic Profile in Patients with PCOS

In a randomized controlled trial enrolling 70 women aged 18 – 40 years, daily supplementation with 200 micrograms of selenium for 8 weeks was associated with the following outcomes compared with placebo [Jamilian 2015]: read more