Selenium Deficiency and Thyroid Disorders

Selenium plays an important role in optimal immune and endocrine system function. The role that selenium plays with respect to thyroid function is complex [Chmura 2022]:

Thyroid system
Good thyroid system function promotes improved metabolism, better growth and development, and increased effect of catecholamines. Note: Catecholamines are hormones released in response to emotional or physical stress. (Attribution: Mikael Häggström, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.)

The thyroid gland is the organ with the greatest amount of selenium per gram of tissue.

  • An adequate supply of selenium is necessary for synthesizing the enzymes – the iodothyronine deiodinases – that are involved in the metabolism of thyroid hormones.
  • Selenium supplementation may give beneficial effects to patients with autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • There is a significant correlation between selenium deficiency and thyroid gland dysfunction. Selenium deficiency is defined as serum or plasma selenium levels below 70 mcg/L. Optimal serum/plasma selenium levels are approximately 125 mcg/L [Winter 2020].
  • Selenium Deficiency and Thyroid Dysfunction

    A 2022 review highlights the following relationships between selenium deficiency and thyroid gland dysfunction [Chmura 2022]: read more

    Impact of Selenium Status on Biological Aging

    Aging. Getting up in years. Striving to live as long as possible and to be as strong and healthy as possible. At some point, good health becomes a more important concern than wealth. Optimal selenium status is important to good health [Alehagen 2021].

    Professor Jan Aaseth
    Professor Jan Aaseth, MD, PhD, researcher in internal medicine, endocrinology, and toxicology and specialist in selenium research.

    In a review article, Professor Urban Alehagen and Professor Jan Aaseth list the following conditions associated with biological aging [Alehagen 2021]:

    • chronic mild to moderate systemic inflammation
    • detrimental DNA alterations
    • mitochondrial dysfunction
    • oxidative stress caused by harmful free radicals
    • telomere shortening

    Getting old is inevitable. Biological aging necessarily involves a weakening of the immune system and increased susceptibility to diseases and environmental stresses.

    Selenium deficiency associated with aging and aging-related diseases

    Selenium deficiency is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation [Alehagen 2021].

    Mitochondrial injuries are an important factor in the aging of human cells.  A by-product of the mitochondrial generation of ATP energy in the cells is the production of reactive oxygen species, some of which are useful and some of which are harmful. The leakage of these harmful free radicals from the mitochondrial respiratory chain increases with age, which results in cellular oxidative damage, whenever there are not enough antioxidants to neutralize the effects of the free radicals. read more