Selenium and Systemic Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress. A new study shows that selenium supplementation together with Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reduces the levels of systemic oxidative stress in the body.  In the study, the reduction of systemic oxidative stress is significantly associated with a reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases [Dunning & Alehagen 2023].

Prof Urban Alehagen
Prof. Urban Alehagen, lead researcher on the KiSel-10 Study, the study that has shown that combined selenium and Coenzyme Q10 supplementation reduces oxidative stress and inflammation levels, improves heart function, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.

Oxidative stress: An imbalance of harmful free radicals vis-à-vis protective antioxidants leads to oxidative damage to DNA, lipids, and proteins in the body and to a disruption of redox signaling processes in the cells [Dunning & Alehagen 2023].

In a 2023 KiSel-10 sub-analysis, Prof. Urban Alehagen and his research colleagues investigated the level of free thiols in the serum of elderly study participants taking 200 mcg of selenium and 200 mg of Coenzyme Q10 daily for 48 months [Dunning & Alehagen 2023]. read more

Serum Selenium Status and Mortality Risk in Individuals with Hypertension

Serum selenium concentrations show a U-shaped association with all-cause mortality and with cardiovascular mortality in individuals with hypertension [Tan 2021].

Blood pressure measuredThis conclusion is based on an analysis of data from 929 individuals diagnosed with hypertension [Tan 2021].

  • The average age of the individuals was 63 years plus/minus 13 years.
  • Slightly more than half of the individuals were male: 53%.
  • The researchers followed the individuals for a mean period of slightly more than ten years: 121 months plus/minus 41 months.
  • During the follow-up period, 307 individuals died, including 56 individuals who died from cardiovascular disease.
Quartiles of Serum Selenium Status

For purposes of analysis, the researchers categorized the individuals with hypertension into quartiles of serum selenium concentration [Tan 2021]:

Q1: equal to or less than 124 mcg/L

Q2: 125-135 mcg/L

Q3: 136-147 mcg/L

Q4: greater than 148 mcg/L

Optimal Serum Selenium Levels in Individuals with Hypertension

The researchers compared the data from the serum selenium quartiles and found that the risk of death from all causes and death from heart disease were lowest in the third quartile (serum selenium concentrations between 136 and 147 mcg/L) [Tan 2021]. read more