Selenium Supplementation and Chemotherapy in Cervical Cancer Patients

Selenium yeast supplementation administered concurrently with chemotherapy and radiation therapy effectively increased blood selenium levels in cervical cancer patients with inadequate selenium status. The selenium yeast supplementation was used as an adjuvant treatment to the standard chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It significantly decreased the hematologic toxicity of the chemoradiotherapy [Yang 2023].

Cancer and selenium
Each year, worldwide, half a million women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and 300 000 die from the disease. In most cases, the human papilloma virus is the cause of the disease [Cohen 2019]. The trace element selenium has antiviral properties. Cell studies and mouse studies of cervical cancer have shown that different selenium species have anticancer effects in cervical cancer induced by human papilloma virus or by chemical carcinogens [Jablonska 2021].
In a randomized controlled trial, researchers randomly assigned 104 patients diagnosed with stage IIB cervical cancer receive 100 mcg selenium yeast tablets (n=50) or matching placebos twice daily (n=54) for five weeks [Yang 2023].

All patients in both groups received the standard treatment including pelvic external irradiation, concurrent five cycles of chemotherapy, and brachytherapy [Yang 2023]. read more