Selenium from Selenium-Enriched Yeast

Selenium from selenium-enriched yeast supplements is more bioavailable than selenium from an inorganic source such as sodium selenite. Selenium from selenium-enriched yeast supplements also tends to be less toxic. These are the conclusions from a 2008 evaluation undertaken by a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientific panel [EFSA 2008].

Glass of beer
Manufacturers use the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae — also known as brewer’s yeast — to produce selenium-enriched yeast supplements.

To quote directly from the report:

“Despite the higher bioavailability of selenium from organic sources such as selenium-enriched yeast, the toxicity of these organic forms has been shown in a number of studies in experimental animals to be lower than that of inorganic selenite or selenate.”

Study data indicate that organic selenium is more bioavailable than inorganic selenium. Studies in which different selenium preparations have been compared head-to-head point towards a higher bioavailability of selenium from yeast than from inorganic sources [Hadrup & Ravn-Haren 2021]. read more

Selenium and Graves’ Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid disease. What is the role of the micronutrient trace element selenium in thyroid disease? The thyroid gland is the organ in the body that contains the greatest amount of selenium per gram of tissue [Wang 2023]. Even in times of low dietary selenium intakes, the thyroid gland has high priority for the supply of selenium in the body [Schomburg 2020].

Endocrine system depicted
The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system. It plays an important role in the body’s metabolism. It has high priority for the supply of selenium in the body.

Dietary selenium intakes vary considerably from region to region in the world. There are large differences in the soil content of selenium and in the factors that influence the bioavailability of selenium to plants. As a consequence, individuals’ plasma/serum selenium status varies accordingly [Winther 2020]. Thus, widespread sub-optimal selenium status has been reported throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East [Stoffaneller & Morse 2015]. read more

Selenium-Enriched Yeast Supplementation Studies

The rationale for taking a selenium-enriched yeast preparation: one or more of the selenium compounds in the preparation other than selenomethionine may be the selenium species that has specific effects against cancer. This is an area for further research.

Glass of beer made using brewer's yeast
Selenium-enriched yeast preparations use Saccharomyces cerevisiae, commonly known as as brewer’s yeast. The yeast is grown in a selenium-enriched medium in which the yeast absorbs the selenium. The finished preparation is pasteurized, causing the yeast cells to die. Selenium-enriched yeast preparations contain many organic selenium compounds in addition to selenomethionine.

This week, we focus on studies conducted with a selenium-enriched yeast preparation containing at least 20 different species of selenium in addition to selenomethionine [Bendahl & Gammelgaard 2004].

Randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials are the gold standard method for testing the safety, absorption, and efficacy of nutritional supplements and medical drugs. Below, we summarize some of the important clinical trials of nutritional interventions using selenium-enriched yeast. read more