Selenium and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women need an increased intake of the trace element selenium. Low selenium intake and status in the pregnant mother will be reflected directly in poor selenium status in newborns [Filipowicz 2022].

Newborn children can be low in selenium
There is a strong correlation between the mother’s selenium status during pregnancy and the selenium status of the newborn child.

Women living in regions with low selenium content in the soil and in the food most likely need a selenium supplement. A study conducted in selenium-poor central Poland has revealed that supplemental selenium in a dosage greater than 55 mcg/day can improve pregnant women’s selenium status [Filipowicz 2022].

In the Polish study, one-third of the mothers reported self-initiated additional selenium intake. For the most part, these women took a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. The tablet added, on average, 42 mcg of selenium to their diets daily. Even so, 79% of these women had serum selenium concentrations below 70 mcg/L (selenium deficiency levels). Moreover, 22% had serum selenium concentrations below 45.9 mcg/L (severe selenium deficiency levels) [Filipowicz 2022]. read more

Selenium and Immune System Function

Selenium is a micronutrient that we need for optimal immune system function. Selenium is important for the proper functioning of the leukocytes of the immune system. If we have low selenium status, we risk the following immune system dysfunctions [Sadler 2024]:

  • Overproduction of harmful free radicals
  • Unchecked systemic inflammation
  • Sub-optimal cellular signaling
  • Poor clearance of pathogens
Healthy diet includes selenium
A healthy diet includes adequate intakes of selenium. We need at least 100 mcg of selenium daily to achieve a serum selenium in the range 120-130 mcg/L. This serum level is required to optimize the concentration of selenoprotein P. Selenoprotein P is the primary transporter of selenium in the blood.

Adequate intake of selenium is necessary to support an optimal immune system function. We need selenium to increase our resistance to disease. Selenium supplementation in individuals with low dietary selenium intakes can benefit the immune system [Sadler 2024]:

  • enhances antioxidant activity
  • promotes healthy gut microbiota
  • optimizes the innate immune response
  • improves the adaptive immune response

In these ways, selenium supplementation of individuals with low selenium status prevents pathogenic diseases and autoimmune diseases and perhaps some cancers [Sadler 2024].

Immune System Not Highly Prioritized for Selenium Transfer

The distribution of selenium throughout the body reflects a hierarchical order. Even in times of low selenium intake, the body supplies selenium and selenoproteins to organs and tissues that are essential for survival and reproduction. For example, the brain and the endocrine glands are always highly prioritized [Schomburg 2020]. read more

Selenoprotein P for Better Quality of Life and Longevity

In a KiSel-10 trial sub-study, Prof. Urban Alehagen and a team of researchers have observed a positive association between the levels of serum selenoprotein P (SELENOP) and the serum levels of both total selenium and the seleno-enzyme glutathione peroxidase GPx3. Accordingly, the researchers noted that the serum SELENOP concentration level can serve as a useful biomarker for the selenium status of individual study participants and of individual patients [Alehagen 2024].

Prof Urban Alehagen - selenium researcher
Prof Urban Alehagen is the lead researcher on the KiSel-10 trial of the effect of combined selenium and Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on the quality of life and longevity of elderly Swedish citizens with low dietary selenium intakes.

Important to note here is that daily supplementation with 200 mcg of selenium from a selenium-enriched yeast preparation induced significantly higher serum concentrations of SELENOP in elderly community dwelling Swedish citizens, average age: 77 years. In the active treatment group, the selenium supplementation resulted in the saturation of SELENOP in the blood at a serum selenium level of 146 mcg/L. The selenium supplementation also resulted in a saturation of GPx3 at a serum selenium level of 99 mcg/L. This positive association between the level of SELENOP, on the one hand, and serum selenium and GPx3, on the other hand, is in agreement with the existing research literature [Alehagen 2024]. read more

Selenium: An Essential Trace Element

We humans need an adequate dietary supply of selenium. Like iron and iodine, our bodies need this essential trace element in sufficient amounts from food for normal physiological functioning.

Prof Jan Alexander, selenium expert
Guest author Prof. Jan Alexander, MD PhD, specialist in occupational medicine, professor and former specialist director at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.

The content of selenium in food varies according to the selenium content of the soil in any particular region [Stoffaneller & Morse 2015]. Unfortunately, in most areas of the Nordic and Baltic countries, the soil is poor in selenium. Accordingly, the local crops and fruits tend to have low selenium content. An exception is Finland, which enriches soil fertilizers with selenium. Import of wheat from regions with high contents of selenium in the soil has earlier been an important source of selenium in Norway [Alexander & Olsen 2023].
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Selenium and Selenoprotein P and Mortality

Higher all-cause mortality and higher mortality due to cancer, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and respiratory disorders are associated with lower serum selenoprotein P concentrations in older German adults [Schöttker 2024].

Operation table
Death from all causes and death specifically caused by cancer, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and respiratory disorders are strongly associated with low serum concentrations of the selenium-dependent selenoprotein P.

In plain English, lower blood concentrations of the selenium-dependent selenoprotein P are significantly associated with a higher risk of degenerative disease progression and with dying. Moreover, the data from the German study show that the risk of dying associated with low blood Selenoprotein P levels was more than double in men compared to women [Schöttker 2024].

In the Esther Study, German researchers assessed the association of measurements of serum Selenoprotein P concentrations with all-cause and cause-specific mortality data. They measured serum Selenoprotein P at baseline and again at a 5-year follow-up in 7,186 and 4,164 participants, respectively [Schöttker 2024]. read more

Selenium and the Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is the organ in the body that contains the most selenium per gram of tissue [Wang 2023].

Illustration of thyroid gland from Wikimedia Commons
The thyroid gland makes and releases hormones that control our metabolism, i.e., regulate how we use energy. Source:

In a 2023 review article, Wang et al summarize the reasons why adequate selenium intake and status are necessary for good thyroid health.

Humans cannot synthesize selenium: the daily intake of selenium depends on the contents of the individual’s diet.

  • The selenium content of food depends on the selenium content of the soil, which varies extensively from region to region of the world. Much of Europe has selenium-poor soil; much of the United States has soil considerably richer in selenium.
  • Selenium is a micronutrient that makes possible the body’s synthesis of some 25 identified selenoproteins containing the amino acid selenocysteine.
  • The best known selenoproteins – such as the glutathione peroxidases, the thioredoxin reductases, and the iodothyronine deiodinases – are expressed in the thyroid gland, where they contribute to thyroid hormone metabolism and to antioxidant defense.
  • A selenium deficiency will increase the risk of several kinds of thyroid diseases.

Selenium Supplementation and Thyroid Diseases

Wang et al [2023] report the following outcomes from clinical trials of selenium supplementation. They advise that we need more clinical evidence for the efficacy of selenium treatment of thyroid disorders.

  • Selenium supplementation slows the progression of Graves’ orbitopathy and improves the quality of the patients’ lives.
  • Selenium supplementation is associated with the decreased levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and with improved thyroid ultrasound structure in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
  • Selenium supplementation has shown variable anticancer activity in patients with thyroid cancer.

Strong Association Between Selenium and Thyroid Disease

Selenium and Graves’ disease

Wang et al [2023] reviewed the data from 11 clinical trials. Nine clinical trials showed that selenium supplementation results in faster achievement of normal thyroid function in patients with hyperthyroidism. Two clinical trials did not show the beneficial effect of selenium supplementation. The difference in outcomes may be related to differences in the form of the selenium supplementation, the dose, the duration of supplementation, and the nutritional status of the study participants. read more

Heart Failure Risk and Selenium Deficiency

Low plasma selenoprotein P levels are associated with a higher risk of heart failure in a Swedish population [Jujic 2023].

Heart rate
Selenium deficiency in heart failure patients is significantly associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, impaired exercise capacity, and poorer quality of life [Bomer 2020].
Selenoprotein P is the primary protein transporter of selenium in the blood.

Plasma and serum selenoprotein P concentrations are useful biomarkers of selenium status in individuals with relatively low selenium intakes because selenoprotein P responds to different intake forms of selenium [Hurst 2010].

Selenium deficiency – defined as serum selenium concentrations below 70 mcg/L – has been associated with more severe symptoms of heart failure, poorer exercise capacity, and poorer quality of life. Sub-optimal serum selenium concentrations of 70–100 mcg/L have similar adverse associations, suggesting that values less than 100 mcg/L, might be considered abnormal [Bomer 2020]. read more

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Impaired Selenium Transport

In a considerable number of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, researchers have observed the presence of autoantibodies to the selenium transporter Selenoprotein P. These autoantibodies disturb the normal transport of selenium to the tissues  in the body. They cause lower than normal levels of the antioxidant selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase and lower than normal levels of deiodinase enzyme activity [Sun 2023].

Tired young woman at computer
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disorder that causes abnormal fatigue lasting six months or longer. Impaired selenium transport may be a factor underlying chronic fatigue syndrome.

Note: Autoantibodies are antibodies produced by the immune system and directed against the individual’s own proteins, in this case against selenoprotein P proteins. In an earlier study, researchers have identified autoantibodies to selenoprotein P in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in which case the autoantibodies also impair selenium transport and selenoprotein expression [Sun 2021]. read more

Selenium and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes. Some news reports have suggested that high selenium intakes and status may be potential risk factors for the development of type 2 Diabetes mellitus. However, current data show that supplemental selenium does not cause diabetes [Schomburg 2020].

Diabetes symptoms
It seems likely that diabetes causes elevated blood selenium levels rather than the other way around [Schomburg 2020].
Two large randomized controlled trials using selenium supplements have shown no diabetes risk caused by 1) a selenomethionine product [Lippman 2009] and 2)   a selenium-enriched yeast product [Thompson 2016; Jacobs 2019]. In neither study was there any significant risk of diabetes  at the recommended dosage, not even among selenium-replete individuals of various ages and both genders [Schomburg 2020].

Moreover, in the Selenium Trial, the researchers saw no causal role for selenium in the development of insulin resistance or diabetes. Instead, they observed decreased fasting blood glucose levels in the selenium supplemented group compared to the control group [Jacobs 2019]. read more

Selenium Supplementation for Vegetarians and Vegans

Vegetarians and vegans, do they get enough selenium in their diets? It is an important question because the number of vegetarians around the world is growing for ethical and environmental reasons. How do we measure selenium status in various groups of people?

Vineyard in Germany with selenium-poor soil
The arable land in much of Europe contains a sub-optimal content of selenium, meaning that the plants grown there are also poor in selenium. Pictured: A vineyard in Germany.

Selenium is an essential trace element. Essential means that we have to get it from our food or from supplements. The human body does not synthesize selenium. What the body does synthesize is the selenoproteins, of which selenium in the amino acid selenocysteine is a key active component.

Particularly in much of Europe and the Middle East, the soil and the plants have relatively poor selenium content. In many countries, the farm animals are supplemented with selenium to improve their nutritional intakes and their health and to avoid selenium deficiency syndromes. read more